Let My Vote Count

A free, secure, and professional online voting platform designed for organizations of all sizes, supporting up to 10,000 voters per election

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Why Choose Let My Vote Count?

Free & Accessible

Completely free to use with no hidden costs. Create unlimited elections and manage unlimited voters without any charges.

Flexible Privacy Options

Choose between anonymous and non-anonymous voting based on your organizational needs and transparency requirements.

Real-time Results

Get instant access to election results with detailed analytics, vote counts, and participation statistics.

Easy Management

Intuitive interface for creating elections, managing voters, and monitoring results. Upload voter lists via CSV for convenience.

Secure Platform

Built on Google's secure infrastructure with authenticated access and encrypted data transmission.

Detailed Reporting

Comprehensive reports including voter turnout, detailed results, and optional voter participation records.

Enterprise-Grade Security

Your elections are protected by industry-leading security measures. Every vote is authenticated and encrypted, ensuring the integrity of your electoral process. With options for both anonymous and identified voting, you can maintain the perfect balance between transparency and privacy based on your organization's requirements.

See Let My Vote Count in Action

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